What is .22 Pistol Home League?
The .22 Pistol Home League is an indoor shooting league that takes place only at our home club. It runs on Tuesday nights from late November - early April. This is a non-competitive league that is laid back and a great chance to get some shots off.
The pistol league is shot with .22 only. We shoot a 700 point aggregate course of fire. This consists of Slow Fire match with each target consisting of one string of ten shots in a time period of ten minutes and two targets. A National Match Course that has one Slow Fire, one Timed Fire and one Rapid Fire target shot with scores from each added up for the match total. A Timed Fire match that has one Timed Fire target each target shot with two strings of five shots in twenty seconds, and a Rapid Fire match that has one Rapid Fire target each target shot with two strings of five shots in ten seconds each. The score from each match is then added to get the possible of 700 points. Each shooter is responsible for adding up their points if they so choose as this is not considered a competitive league.
The pistol league is open to adults and juniors as well as all skill levels, but everyone must supply their own equipment. The minimum needed is a .22 pistol, ammo, eye protection, and ear protection. Targets are provided by the club. Many shooters also have a gun box and spotting scope, although not required. Cost is $4 for club members and $6 for non-members.
.22 Pistol Home League Schedule
Tuesday Nights at 7pm from January 19 - March 26
Contact for Questions:
Bill Swain Ryan Smith
616-902-0616 616-902-1337
Club Locations
Contact Information